Linda Martin - Why me? + Shades of blue (Vinylsingle)
€ 3,50
Linda Ronstadt - Don't know much + Hurt so bad (Vinylsingle)
€ 2,50
Linda Ronstadt - Get closer + Sometimes you just can't win (Vinylsingle)
€ 1,85
Linda Ronstadt - Love me tender + White rhythm & Blues (Vinylsingle)
€ 3,50
Linda Scott - I've told ev'ry little star + Count every star (Vinylsingle)
€ 4,00
Linda Scott - I've told ev'ry little star + Three guesses (Vinylsingle)
€ 4,00
Linda Scott - Starlight, starbright + Don't bet money honey (Vinylsingle)
€ 3,00
Lindisfarne - Run for home + Stick together (Vinylsingle)
€ 3,00
Lindsey Buckingham - Countdown + This Nearly Was Mine (Vinylsingle)
€ 5,00
Lindsey Buckingham - The Visitor + A Satisfied Mind (Vinylsingle)
€ 4,00
Lindsey Buckingham - Trouble + Mary Lee Jones (Vinylsingle)
€ 8,00
Link Wray - Rumble + The Swag (Vinylsingle)
€ 25,00
Lionel Richie - Penny lover + You are (Vinylsingle)
€ 2,50
Lionel Richie - Running with the night + Serves you right (Vinylsingle)
€ 2,00
Lionel Richie - Say you, say me + Can't slow down (Vinylsingle)
€ 2,50
Lionel Richie - You are + You mean more to me (Vinylsingle)
€ 2,50
Lions - Dance, Dance + There Goes My Baby (Vinylsingle)
€ 1,35
Lipps Inc - How long + There they are (Vinylsingle)
€ 2,00
Lisa - Break it out + (instr.) (Vinylsingle)
€ 2,50
Lisa Stansfield - This is the right time + You can't deny it (Vinylsingle)
€ 2,00
Lisa Stansfield - What did I do to you + Something's happenin' (Vinylsingle)
€ 2,00
Lisa Stansfield - What did I do to you + Something's happenin' (Vinylsingle)
€ 2,00
Little Anthony - Tears on my pillow + Two people in the world (Vinylsingle)
€ 5,00
Little Caesar and the Romans - Those Oldies But Goodies + Memories Of Those Oldies But Goodies (Vinylsingle)
€ 4,00
Little Feat - Long distance love + Romance dance (Vinylsingle)
€ 5,00
Little Jimmy Osmond - Long haired lover from liverpool + Mother of mine (Vinylsingle)
€ 3,00
Little Jimmy Osmond - Tweedle dee + Mama'd know what to do (Vinylsingle)
€ 3,00
Little Joe - Splish Splash + Little Queenie (Vinylsingle)
€ 3,00
Little Richard - Good golly, miss Moly + All around the world (Vinylsingle)
€ 4,00